Local Loupes Partners

We would like to thank our loupes partners for supporting our events. Below are loupes partners with local representatives who are happy to meet you:

Byron Medical (Admetec)

Well known for their ergo-loupes. Their local representative is Ravinath.

Become a Loupes Partner

If you would like to become a sponsor of the AUDSS, please contact Kevin Guo, our sponsorships executive officer at sponsorships@audss.org.au

Alternatively, you can fill out the form below.

Why is a Partnership with the AUDSS valuable?

  • Establish a relationship with Australia’s largest and most distinguished dental student body, and contribute to the future of South Australian and Australian healthcare.

  • Build corporate social responsibility and align your products and services with a socially responsible, public-spirited and community-minded organisation.

  • Access a diverse membership of undergraduate and postgraduate, local and international, rural, metropolitan and indigenous students with a high future discretional income who will make business purchasing decisions.

  • Expose your products and services to future specialists, dentists, therapists and hygienists across Australia and internationally. Inform consumer choice among dental students and young dental professionals.

  • Tailor your marketing with the AUDSS Partnerships Team to achieve long-term repeated, informative and targeted exposure of your brand.